Specialists in bringing organisations closer to customers

Expy understands the vital value of the customer journey — and how organisations need to evolve to meet growing expectations.
Our expert consultants work with businesses and public agencies to create strategies that optimise the experience for current customers.
Expy’s detailed, actionable recommendations will mean you’re ideally placed to serve your customers’ future needs.

We can help your organisation prepare for the future.

Meeting tomorrow’s consumer needs

Consumers are more sophisticated and empowered than ever before. They’re more discerning. They’re more opinionated. They’re more influential.
And, if they can, they’re much more likely to go somewhere else if they’re dissatisfied.
That’s why every organisation needs to be in the business of delivering exceptional customer experiences.
It’s why Expy was created, because we can help your organisation to be the best it can be.

We can help you gain clarity on how to improve your organisation across

  • Customer experience

  • Brand experience

  • Employee experience

  • User experience

  • Technology experience

We can help you gain clarity on how to improve your organisation across

  • Customer experience

  • Brand experience

  • Employee experience

  • User experience

  • Technology experience

Expy’s powerful discovery and diagnosis process evaluates the experience of your customers against key performance criteria.

Expy’s powerful discovery and diagnosis process evaluates the experience of your customers against key performance criteria.

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